Do you often wonder your reason for existence? This morning I have the distinct pleasure to share with you a phenomenal story regarding the acceptance of receiving the diagnosis and the courage to simply disagree with the prognosis. ¶ The world population is ripe with new cancer diagnosis on a daily basis, affecting everyone in its’ wake. ¶ You know Bonnie’s story and because of this blog you’ll be introduced to Heather’s battle, and yes, her acceptance and her achievements. ¶ We cannot win this battle on our own, and unfortunately I realize there are men and women, right now, struggling without a support system other than the white lab coats they see on a more than regular basis. ¶ I am proud to call Bonnie my “bride” as I often refer to her within this blog, and from the email you’ll read below there’s another very proud husband and father who has shown how much he cares for his bride as well.

I viewed the below link to this video yesterday and am so thankful for providing this conduit to Cameron and his beautiful wife Heather, and of course to the rest of Bonnie’s Beautiful Boosters. Enjoy.


“Hi Paul,

Thanks for getting back to me! I was thrown into the role of caregiver when my wife, Heather, was diagnosed with a very rare and deadly cancer called mesothelioma. It happened just three months after the birth of our only child. We were initially told that she could have less than 15 months to live, but she was able to defy the odds and eventually beat the cancer. Heather has now made it her mission to raise awareness and hope for people experiencing hard times.

I was wondering if you would be interested in sharing a short video about her story with your readers? You can see the video at http://www.mesothelioma.com/heather. I know that cancer isn’t necessarily the focus of your blog, but a positive, uplifting story of survival can be inspiring for anyone. I would be honored and grateful if you would share our message of hope with your readers, who might take something away from it. Please take a moment to watch it, and let me know if you think it’s something you’d be interested in sharing!


Keeping her close …




  1. Quite a story…so happy that all turned out ok for you and your wife and child…we are so lucky to have and amazing man, Paul Cheney who follows all and has written so many inspirational stories regarding his wife Bonnie, who happens to be my beautiful cousin…..thank you Paul for all you are and all you do for this cause…xoxo

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